
cinta layaknya bus....

cinta itu sama seperti orang yg menunggu bus .
Sebuah bus datang ,dan kmu blng "wah,..terlalu penuh , sumpek , bakalan ngga' bsa duduk nyaman neh!
Aku tunggu bus brikutnya deh".
Kemudian bus berikutnya datang.kamu melihatnya dan berkata "aduh,busnya kurng asik nih ,ngga' bgus lagi ,..ngga' mau ah.."
Bus selanjutnya datang ,cool dan kamu berminat ,tapi seakan-akan dia tdak melihatmu dan lewat begitu saja.
Bus keempat berhenti d dpan kmu.bus itu kosong ,cukup bagus tapi kamu bilang "ngga' ada ac nih,bsa kpanasan aku".maka kamu membiarkan bus keempat itu pergi.

Waktu terus berlalu kamu mulai sadar bahwa kamu bisa terlambat pergi k kantor.
Ketika bus kelima datang ,kamu sudah tak sabar ,kmu lngsung melompat k dlamnya.Setelah beberapa lama,kmu akhirnya sadar kalau kamu slah menaiki bus.
Bus trsbt jurusannya bkn yg kmu tuju! Dan kau baru sadar telah menyiakan waktumu sekian lama,.......


nothi'n but u

here it is the lyric from my next single comin out:

it is you , the guidience of my heart
always you , the best experience of mylife
try to know , all of thing we've been trough in the past
and make sure, i will never let you go down even just for a cry

when you move....
when you walk....
when you sleep ...
when you talk...., was.. so beautiful
It will so nice, if i can be the one...who stand beside you...

pray for dream...
pray for heart ...
all i wanted , to do ..make this circle safe
like the light in my heart , just keep it warm,.....
and everything.... is gonna be,.... okay ^^


25 thing's if you are my girlfriend

1. Make you smile when you are down
2. Try to secretly smell your hair, but you always notice
3. Stick up to you, but still respect your independence
4. Give you the remote control everytime we watch tv
5. Come up behind you and put my arms around you
6. Play with your hair
7. My hand will always find your hand
8. Be cute when i really want something
9. Offer you plenty of massages
10. Dance with you, even if i feel like a dork
11. Never run out of love
12. Be funny, but know when to be serious
13. Realize im being funny when i need to be serious
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready
15. React so cutely when you hit me, though it actually hurts
16. Smile a lot
17. Plan a romantic date full of things i wouldnt normally do because i know it means a lot to you
18. Appreciate you
19. Help others out
20. Drive for hours just to see you
21. Always give you a kiss when you leave, even when my friends are watching
22. Sing even if i cant
23. Always try to make you laugh
24. Stare at you
25. Call for no reason


sunday morning and last night was awesome ^^

okay, it's sunday morning and rain not falling padahal berharap ujan turun pagi ini dan masih bisa sembunyi di dlm selimut...
If it's sunday mean last night it's saturday night ato bhs inggrisnya maleem minggu :D
last night was great, .. manggung di pensi abist itu nonton with my precious time warper ,..hahaa I wish everyday could be like that..... I put a photo here, waktu di ruang promo band nungguin waktu manggung, Oiya my band it's LostInStereo disingkat jadi L.I.S. biar kdengeran keren , hahaa...Akir- akir ini lagi sibuk banget promoin L.I.S. ke penjuru kota malang dan minggu depan kita bakal sibug record buat first mini album (ngetake ,ngetake,..asooy :P)



okey,.. this is trial post,.. just try it,.. hahaa :D